

“鋼鐵俠”Elon Musk、“科學大哥”Bill Nye等

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- 關於未來,科技圈內人都知道哪些我們不知道的事? 

- 如何鼓勵員工追求自己的想法? 

- 多元思維的重要性 

- 基因技術的未來 


Elon Musk became an innovator at a very early age. Inspired to be an inventor by the example of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, Musk considered three areas he wanted to get into that were particularly important. “One was the Internet, one was clean energy, and one was space,” he said. Subsequently, Musk went on to found or co-found the companies PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors.These three companies produced, respectively, an Internet payment system (PayPal), the first viable electric car (Tesla’s Roadster), and the successor to NASA’s Space Shuttle (the Dragon reusable spacecraft and F9 rocket). According to Musk, he never aimed to disrupt for disruption’s sake. Instead, he strategized around industries that were stagnant and in need of innovation.你好,歡迎來到《全球精英的5分鐘成長學院》。今天我們邀請到了埃隆·馬斯克,他是網絡支付平臺PayPal、航天工業公司SpaceX,以及汽車公司特斯拉的創始人。今天他將和我們一起分享:怎樣徹底顛覆一個行業的格局?

Elon Musk became an innovator at a very early age. Inspired to be an inventor by the example of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, Musk considered three areas he wanted to get into that were particularly important. “One was the Internet, one was clean energy, and one was space,” he said. Subsequently, Musk went on to found or co-found the companies PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors.These three companies produced, respectively, an Internet payment system (PayPal), the first viable electric car (Tesla’s Roadster), and the successor to NASA’s Space Shuttle (the Dragon reusable spacecraft and F9 rocket). According to Musk, he never aimed to disrupt for disruption’s sake. Instead, he strategized around industries that were stagnant and in need of innovation.你好,歡迎來到《全球精英的5分鐘成長學院》。今天我們邀請到了埃隆·馬斯克,他是網絡支付平臺PayPal、航天工業公司SpaceX,以及汽車公司特斯拉的創始人。今天他將和我們一起分享:怎樣徹底顛覆一個行業的格局?

Begin at the Beginning: The Upside Down Pyramid of Design, with Bill Nye the Science Guy, Mechanical Engineer and TV PersonalityThe pace of business has accelerated – products go from concept to release faster than ever, and competitors react more nimbly to changes in consumer demand, preferences, and behavior. The pressure to innovate and commercialize as quickly as possible has never been stronger. But how does the sense of urgency driving production ultimately impact product quality?大家好,...

Begin at the Beginning: The Upside Down Pyramid of Design, with Bill Nye the Science Guy, Mechanical Engineer and TV PersonalityThe pace of business has accelerated – products go from concept to release faster than ever, and competitors react more nimbly to changes in consumer demand, preferences, and behavior. The pressure to innovate and commercialize as quickly as possible has never been stronger. But how does the sense of urgency driving production ultimately impact product quality?大家好,歡迎來到《全球精英的5分鐘成長學院》。今天,我們邀請到了“比爾教科學”節目主持人、原波音公司機械工程師、知名電視人比爾·奈。現如今,商業步伐明顯加快。產品從概念到發布,從未像現在這般迅速。消費者的需求偏好和行為一有變化,競爭對手便會立刻聞訊而動。企業要迫切創新、推動商業化,從未面臨過如此巨大的壓力。但話說回來,加快生產的緊迫感會不會影響產品質量呢?本節課中,比爾·奈將通過倒金字塔原理,告訴我們磨刀不誤砍柴工的道理。


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